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Brails uses enterprise-grade security practices to keep your data safe and secure.


Security Commitment

Brails is committed to our customers’ security and keeping their data safe. As a cloud based company entrusted with some of our customers’ most important data, we built a culture of data protection and security from our very first days. We periodically undergo penetration testing, GDPR compliance reviews, and utilize encryption in the full data lifecycle.

Safe and reliable infrastructure

Brails uses Amazon Web Services for secure and available hosting for our software environments. Our AWS data centers are the backbone of the internet and is fully certified across all the major global compliance and security frameworks.

Enterprise Grade Security



Encryption is at the core of our product. Data in-transit is encrypted using TLS 1.2+ and at-rest using the industry standard AES-256 algorithm.

Incident Response

Our incident response team addresses every event which can cause disruptions to our service, including defined escalation paths and remediation.

Access and Permissions

All of your content comes with permission rights and authentication requirements, enabling you to share your content safely.

SDLC Security

Brails uses human review processes to ensure our Software Development Lifecycle Security, enabling consistent quality in our secure offering.

Corporate Security

Brails require TLS for all internal network communication and utilizes a central identity provider with two factor authentication as a requirement. Brails personnel undergo yearly security and privacy awareness training that is deeply rooted in our culture.

Vulnerability Management

Brails uses an automated and manual periodic review of production and staging environments, applications and networks of professionals for potential vulnerabilities that could affect our systems.
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