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    Wallet with brails

    Frequently asked questions about Wallet

    8 Articles

    Your wallet is where transfers can be initiated to anyone within the country's available, and swaps are done between currencies. It is also known as the Multi-currency wallet. It is the section where you have your USD wallet and added local wallets.

    This gives details on how to navigate and add multiple accounts with multiple currencies. Currently, you can create the following wallets:

    • TG Togo - Live
    • BJ - Benin - Live
    • SN Senegal - Live
    • GN Guinea - Live
    • ML Mali - Live
    • CM Cameroon - Live
    • BF - Burkina FasO - Live
    • UG Uganda - Live
    • CI - Ivory Coast - Live
    • RW Rwanda - Live
    • CI - Ivory Coast - Live

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