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    Transaction with brails

    Frequently asked questions about Transactions

    8 Articles

    This is where you see all the transactions and actions you have made on your account. We call it the bank of transactions.

    Here, you can search by reference ID, recipients. To see the full details of a transaction, click on the particular one.

    You can also export transactions in csv, filter the transactions by status, type, action & period.


    Getting Your Money Out of Brails is as easy as it comes. If you’re ready to withdraw your hard-earned money from Brails, Understanding your payout status is key to a smooth and speedy process.
    Here's everything you need to know:

  • Processing: This is good news! You've initiated a payout, and it's currently being handled by our team. Expect your funds to arrive within a few hours, depending on your chosen payment method.
  • Queued: Hold tight! Your payout is in line, but we're taking some extra time to ensure it's safe and secure. This usually involves a quick review to comply with our terms and conditions.
  • Flagged: ⚠️ Uh oh, something might be amiss. The transaction has triggered a red flag due to suspected fraud or a potential violation of our terms. We'll reach out directly to discuss this further and guide you through any necessary steps.
  • Successful: Congratulations! Your payout is complete, and your chosen account should receive the funds shortly. Remember, banking systems can sometimes take a little extra time to process deposits. Rest assured, your money is on its way!
  • Failed: We understand how frustrating this can be. If your payout fails, it could be due to:
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